Sunday, July 12, 2009

Date Rape? Not quite...

So I got dosed with something (GHB or something else that turns you to a loopy violently ill mess) last night while I was out with Ashe. I'm pretty much ready to rip the throat out of whoever did it. I spent today recuperating... Knowing that not only did someone put something in my drink, but that if Ashe hadn't been there I would have been in serious trouble has made me more cranky than usual. Parts of the night do not exist in my memory. Not good.

In other news Lucy is still looking for some higher meaning in human connection. Given my enormous failure at last attempt at real relationship I think it would do me some good to create a connection with someone who very thought doesn't make me want to slit my wrists with a spork. Being over dramatic runs in my genetics, I think. That's okay, I'm creative and clever so I can get away with saying things like that about the people who've hurt me.

Tomorrow I get to be Ashe's body guard at court. It will suck in part because I'll be expected to wake up before noon, and doubly because I'm going to go with her to make sure that she doesn't get attacked and killed by goons. *lesigh* Everything is so boring in my life... obviously.

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