Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Singing in public and other interesting news

So on Monday I went to Dorchester District Court with Ashe and spent the better part the middle day watching her try to talk her way out of a speeding ticket. It wasn't one of those "I was speeding but I hope they'll let it slide" moments, there was this whole back story that I wont get into. Dorchester District Court is full of interest for someone who just doesn't go to Dorchester if she can avoid it. We spied all manner of strangeness, and were both equally felt up by the security guard at the door. Overall the entire experience made me want to throw myself in traffic.

Then, on Tuesday, I auditioned a new stylist. I felt like I was cheating on my current stylist Stu, but he and I have two very different aesthetics and I just don't think he understands me anymore. It's a shame, really, because he did exquisite color, but the last several cuts I've had from him have made me want to go all Britney Spears. New Stylist Bill is interesting. Unlike Stylist Stu, who is 40-something, gay, and more eccentric than I originally thought, Billy-Buddy is 30-something, strait (shock!) and kind of a Joe-Guy. At the very least he seemed to understand my bone structure, because the re-shaping he did is really quite nice. The previous cut was so hideous that I really wasn't expecting miracles, so Billy-Buddy gets 5 stars.

Much later the sibs and I went to see the new Harry Potter. I didn't love it. It was kind of like an episode of Family Guy: A series of amusing scenes filling the space between the scenes that move the plot along. I'm probably going to get mauled by rabid Harry Potter fans, (the only thing being more vicious is a Twilight Fan...) but it just wasn't my cup of tea.

Today I'm meant to be singing at a baseball game tonight. I get to sing the national anthem in the key of D. I'm not excited, really, as much as I'm annoyed that my throat hasn't completely recovered from the gastrointestinal tragedy that was my Saturday night. Throwing up stomach acid hurts, goddamn it. I'm trying to garner some kind of excitement about tomorrow, though, because tomorrow is going to be the crown jewel of my week. I'm going to go be an extra in The Fighter. Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg will be in my eye line tomorrow, and I get free sandwiches. Seriously! I'm really kind of glad that my hair turned out so good, actually, because the last thing any girl wants is to be on camera with FUGS hair.

Stay tuned, kids. I'll let you know if Bale is a big a dick as they say. :D

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